Thursday, April 11, 2013

Liar, Liar Pants on Fire..

Lies. We've all told them at some point in time. But just because every one does it, doesn't make it right. Nothing good comes out of not telling the truth. Honesty is essential in any healthy relationship.
I've been in several relationships throughout my teenage years. I wasn't always fortunate enough to have a good guy by my side. I've been cheated on and lied to probably one too many times. I'm sure if we're all completely honest with ourselves, we hate being lied to. It sucks and even worse, it hurts.
Guys, always be honest! Whether you're lying to the girl you've taken out on a few dates now and then or your long time girlfriend, it's not right. & it doesn't matter what you lie about either. Lies are lies. If you're just not into her then be up front and tell her. If you're really hanging out with your friends instead of having dinner with your family, tell her. When girls are constantly lied to in relationships, it breaks them down. It not only crushes them emotionally but it can alter their whole point of view about relationships after awhile. Besides, if you're dating some one and you still feel the need to cover things up or lie about what you're really doing then maybe, just maybe, you aren't quite ready for a serious relationship.
In reality, some times it just doesn't take much to ruin a relationship. One lie can diminish every ounce of trust one has in a person. If your girl can't trust you enough to tell the truth about something as simple as what you're doing, how do you expect her to trust you enough to open up to you about how she truly feels? It's something to think about. Often times, we're simply scared to tell the whole truth because we feel we have done something wrong or are just embarrassed. Even if you messed up, simply own up to it. I'm sure any girl would agree that it's better to have our boyfriend tell us to our face that he has done wrong than lie to us and have us find out from someone else.
Honesty really does go a long way.