Friday, May 10, 2013

If You Liked It Then You Should Have Put A Ring On It!

Gentlemen, my last and final relationship advice is always, always show your girl how much she means to you. Whether girls will openly admit it or not, we secretly love receiving flowers, jewelry, and going out on dates. It's nice to go out with your significant other and just simply enjoy quality time together every now and then.

Girls really aren't as hard to understand as many men make it out to be. We may come across as strong some times, but hey that's just the way it's always going to be. We all have one thing in common, we want to know that we are loved and cared for.

Buy your girl flowers when she's upset; we want you to be our emotional support. Tell her you love her every day; you can never say it too often. Spend as much time as you can with her; you'll make memories together that will last a life time. & lastly, always kiss her goodnight; it could be the last time you see her.

When it comes down to it, it's really not all about the material stuff. Of course it's nice to have from time to time, but in all honesty it's not what really matters. What truly matters is that you're there. Girls have grown up watching all those sweet fairytale stories. Although we often have unrealistic expectations, we can't help but want our Prince Charming. Every girl hopes and dreams that she will find the perfect guy out there for her. We hope to find a guy who will open the door for us, kiss us on the forehead, hold our hand in public, and tell his friends how much he loves us. Don't get me wrong, girls don't want a guy that is perfect. Trust me, we love your flaws just as much as your perfections. If you have the right girl, she will love you despite your flaws. She'll love you even though you don't make straight A's in school, have high cheek bones, and dress like your fresh off the red carpet. Regardless of what you think about yourself, you're perfect in her eyes.

Show her respect and she'll show it to you in return. Love her with all your heart and she will love you with everything she has in her. Relationships are meant to be fun and exciting! Cherish every moment you have together. Push through the fights and know that after every rainy day there's a brand new day that follows. Life is too short to be anything but happy.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Love Her, Tease Her, Never Leave Her.

Relationships can be a true blessing if people actually took the time to appreciate them. No matter how good or how bad they are, they're all a learning experience. In all reality, if you never go through any sort of bad relationship, you'll never realize what you truly deserve. It's those relationships that leave us heartbroken for months and bring tears to our eyes that truly make us stronger. Often times when we have a great relationship with someone, we focus entirely too much on the negative and think, "It could be a lot better." or "Why can't he/she do stuff for me like that?". Its those thoughts that cause us to lose sight of what we have standing right in front of our faces.
It seems as though more and more people are unhappy with their relationships today. People, mostly females, have set expectations that are entirely too high and they are never reached. Ladies, the fact of the matter is that you're boyfriend may not show up on your door step with flowers every week. Instead of wishful thinking about how you wish your relationship was, sit down and think about how great your relationship is. The worst thing you can possibly do is take your significant other for granted.
Life is entirely too short to lose sight of all the positive things we have. If you simply remember that no relationship is going to be perfect and learn to accept that, you'll be a lot happier. We may not always have the "fairytale ending" like we've always wished for, but we can still find our special prince charming. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Don't Hate Me 'Cuz I'm Beautiful

What does it really mean to be "beautiful"?
Beautiful [byoo-tuh-fuh l]
1. Having beauty; possessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind.
Technology, magazines, and the media constantly distort beauty. The media tells teens every day that they have to be a size zero, have high cheek bones, a perfect complexion, and expensive clothing. When it comes down to it, every one is beautiful in their own way. If every single person looked the same, the world we live in would be a boring place. It's nice to know that every one is unique in their own way.
Gentlemen, one of the most important things to keep in mind when dating a female is always take into consideration their body image. One of my biggest pet peeves is when guys have entirely too much confidence in themselves. It seems that far too often guys focus too much on a girl's appearance. Of course, it's perfectly normal to have standards for yourself, but some times you can set your standards too high. Guys shouldn't always set their mind to only dating a certain type of a girl that looks a certain way. Girls are girls. & trust me, just because your girl has a pretty face, doesn't mean that she has a pretty heart.
 Females like to be reminded that they're beautiful every now and then. It's always nice to receive compliments and hear "you look beautiful today".
So guys, take a piece of advice; show your girl that you truly appreciate both her inner and outer beauty. That appreciation alone will go a long way.

Monday, April 15, 2013

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not.

"I love you" are three words that every heart desires to hear. There's no greater feeling than being able to share love and compassion with another individual. Every single person has the inner fire buring within them for the desire of knowing that they are truly cared about.

High school relationships are entirely different from others. From time to time you see a few couples who actually make it out of high school and end up together forever. But, high school is usually the time for experimenting. Relationships last a couple months and are over within a blink of an eye.

One of my biggest pet peeves about relationships is when a couple has been dating for just a few weeks and are already claiming that they are in love with each other. First off, saying "I love you" is a big deal! People just don't take it seriously. Guys and girls are both guilty of simply throwing out the phrase without taking into consideration what they are really saying. If you truly do love that person, then by all means pour your heart out until you can't pour any more. But if you are just saying it to be saying it or because you feel that it will make the other person feel better, then don't.

Hearing those three words can either make or break a person. No one wants to be lied to. Sometimes it's better to simply be honest about your feelings rather than leading others on.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Liar, Liar Pants on Fire..

Lies. We've all told them at some point in time. But just because every one does it, doesn't make it right. Nothing good comes out of not telling the truth. Honesty is essential in any healthy relationship.
I've been in several relationships throughout my teenage years. I wasn't always fortunate enough to have a good guy by my side. I've been cheated on and lied to probably one too many times. I'm sure if we're all completely honest with ourselves, we hate being lied to. It sucks and even worse, it hurts.
Guys, always be honest! Whether you're lying to the girl you've taken out on a few dates now and then or your long time girlfriend, it's not right. & it doesn't matter what you lie about either. Lies are lies. If you're just not into her then be up front and tell her. If you're really hanging out with your friends instead of having dinner with your family, tell her. When girls are constantly lied to in relationships, it breaks them down. It not only crushes them emotionally but it can alter their whole point of view about relationships after awhile. Besides, if you're dating some one and you still feel the need to cover things up or lie about what you're really doing then maybe, just maybe, you aren't quite ready for a serious relationship.
In reality, some times it just doesn't take much to ruin a relationship. One lie can diminish every ounce of trust one has in a person. If your girl can't trust you enough to tell the truth about something as simple as what you're doing, how do you expect her to trust you enough to open up to you about how she truly feels? It's something to think about. Often times, we're simply scared to tell the whole truth because we feel we have done something wrong or are just embarrassed. Even if you messed up, simply own up to it. I'm sure any girl would agree that it's better to have our boyfriend tell us to our face that he has done wrong than lie to us and have us find out from someone else.
Honesty really does go a long way.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ladies First.

One of my biggest pet peeves in a relationship is when your friends are TOO involved. Of course, we're human and we all have friends, but sometimes your friends can ruin a good thing when you have it.
I've struggled with this several times in the past before and it definitely is no fun. There's nothing worse than having a boyfriend that is absolutely obsessed with his friends. It's totally normal to hang out with your friends from time to time but when it comes down to hanging out with them every night, eating, sleeping, & breathing with them...Well, it's a little much.
It may sound selfish, but let's be honest, girls don't like sharing their man! The simple hang outs with your friends can lead to many, many things guys. & trust me, it's not a road you want to go down.
Women like to know that they are thought about and cared for. We actually enjoy spending time with our boyfriends or the current guy we're talking to. At some point in your life you're friends shouldn't come first anymore. When you're with your bros 24/7, after awhile, we see it as you're choosing them over us.
Relationships come with sacrifices and there's no way getting around that. So boys, if you have a good girl by your side, think twice next time when you send that simple little text saying you're hanging with your boys for the night. It's nice to put your girl first every now and then. It's thoughtful and shows that you have your priorities straight & really care.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hands Down!

In a world where violence is seen all around, it is reassuring to see gentlemen treating their women with respect. Like many parents do, my parents have taught me to never put my hands on another individual. It's bad enough seeing two people of the same sex physically fighting, but there's nothing worse than seeing a man put his hands on a woman.
Under any circumstances, it is never, never, acceptable for a man to put his hands on a woman.
Coming from an abusive relationship, I know first hand what struggles abuse may bring. Physical and verbal abuse has the power to destroy anyone under its reigns. It breaks down a person's confidence and causes them to lose sight of who they are as a person. No one should have to go through being abused. So fellas' next time you bring your hand up towards a woman, stop and think. Imagine she were your mother. Would you still hit her?
You should always treat women with respect. Even though we can come off a little strong at times, we have feelings too. We all hope to find our prince charming. We all hope to find a man who will bring out the best of us rather than break us down.
Every female deserves to know that someone cares about her. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Text Overload

Every one knows that girls love to wake up to those sweet "good morning beautiful" text messages, but after awhile a line needs to be drawn. Technology has simply taken over in the world we live in today. No matter where you go, phones are buzzing and ringing. There's just never a moment of peace. There is nothing more aggravating and more of a turn off than when a guy just doesn't know when to stop! 

Now guys, it's pretty apparent when you're interested in a girl just by the texts you send her. But what happens when she suddenly stops responding? Take a step back, breathe, and STOP! Rule number one, if a girl doesn't respond to your first text message, she's probably not going to respond to the other fifty you keep sending her. We're guilty. Females don't always speak up and tell guys to their face that they simply aren't interested. Sometimes we just don't have to. Ever heard the statement, "actions speak louder than words"? Take the advice, it's true. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

GTL! (gym, tan, look hot)

Every female has one thing in common. We love men who look hot.
Guys, finding a girl to have on your arm can be simple. Take care of yourself! Take a shower and freshen up a little. When it comes to attraction, the axe commericals are totally true! Even though you may think girls won't notice that simple little change to your hairstyle, we do. Whether girls will openly admit it or not, we pay a lot more attention to the little things than we let off.
Of course relationships should never be based off of just looks. There's many other important qualties every woman hopes to find in her man, but looks plays a bigger part than what people think. There's no bigger turn off than seeing a guy who has simply just let himself go. Now I'm not saying you have to have muscles the size of Ronnie's from Jersey Shore or have to be as tan as an oompa loompa. Every girl has her own personal preference. Just simply dress nice, shower, shave, and use some nice smelling cologne and you would be surpsied how many heads you can turn. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

First things first.

Relationships. Who's dating who, who's seeing who, and the latest on what's happening is constantly gossiped about. But what's so great about love and relationships? Well, once you find that one special someone, your whole life can flip upside down. 

Every single person has that driven desire to experience love. Finding someone to build a relationship with isn't easy, but that's surely not the hardest part. Relationships are by far one of the most difficult obstacles we face in life. So gentlemen, the big question is how do you maintain a relationship? The answers simple. Go back to the basics.

Whether admitted or not, every girl enjoys being pampered. We day dream about finding the perfect guy straight out of the typical fairytale book. The first rule in maintaining a healthy relationship is simply be respectful. If you have a girl that sticks by your side then show her your appreciation! Buy her flowers and take her out from time to time. & always...always hold the door open for her! There is nothing that turns a girl off more than having a door slammed right in her face. Women want to be respected and treated like they should be. 

Study up on The Notebook boys because you're about to jump on a wild ride!