Monday, March 11, 2013

Text Overload

Every one knows that girls love to wake up to those sweet "good morning beautiful" text messages, but after awhile a line needs to be drawn. Technology has simply taken over in the world we live in today. No matter where you go, phones are buzzing and ringing. There's just never a moment of peace. There is nothing more aggravating and more of a turn off than when a guy just doesn't know when to stop! 

Now guys, it's pretty apparent when you're interested in a girl just by the texts you send her. But what happens when she suddenly stops responding? Take a step back, breathe, and STOP! Rule number one, if a girl doesn't respond to your first text message, she's probably not going to respond to the other fifty you keep sending her. We're guilty. Females don't always speak up and tell guys to their face that they simply aren't interested. Sometimes we just don't have to. Ever heard the statement, "actions speak louder than words"? Take the advice, it's true. 


  1. Haha. That's funny. Poor boys can never get the hint. They just have huge egos; they think every girl in the world loves them and are dying to talk to them. That's not the case. Preach, sistergirl.

  2. Another winner Brittney, some guys totally get way too much "keyboard courage" and try to talk to you over the phone, but won't say a single word in person. It doesn't make sense to me if you're willing to say all these cute things with emoji's at the end why can't you say it with a simple smile when you see me in the halls?

  3. Some guys get way too confident over text and they definitely don't know when to stop which gets really annoying especially when you don't respond and they send about 20 more texts saying the same thing. I honestly don't like texting someone 24/7 especially if I go to school with them because then I feel like I have nothing to talk to them about or they're more open to me over a text and not in person which then makes things a little awkward. Not all girls speak up either and tell it like it is which would make things much easier but I know i'm guilty of it. i'd rather just get that good morning text, then talk in person during school, and text later that night; not non-stop, all day.
